Nuit of the Living Dead

Jun 26, 2007 15:34

So we get a lot of foreigners in work going on cross-continent pilgrimages to all the Harley plants. Today we had a die-hard couple in from Luxembourg who were visiting friends in Indiana and came up to see the plant. They were really excited to be there (the woman had orange painted fingernails with black flames) and were really chatty. And then she started talking about the village they live in. But because of the accent, she said she lived in a little willage.

David Sedaris anyone? "Nuit of the Living Dead" accounts how he interacts with a foreigner who is looking for a willage, and tries to see how often he can get the guy to say willage.

I nearly died trying to hold in my laughter. And she didn't say it just the once. She talked about her willage, the neighboring willage, the willages they've been to in the States. There seem to be lots of willages between here and Indiana, according to her story. Lots and lots of little willages.
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