It wasn't that far of a walk at all, compared to some of the distances on the island. Location, location, location, that was what it was all about. Secluded enough that they had their privacy, but central enough to keep them connected. Ianto did in fact love his house a great deal
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"Jane is Jane Redman, nee Bennet. You might have noticed New Pemberley if you take walks, and then there's the boarding house, which isn't quite a boarding house, but it's some place other than the Compound to live. Stu is Stuart Redman. He's disappeared since," Ianto said, the smile faltering for a moment. "Jane takes care of Lydia, their daughter. Charlie is my girlfriend," he continued, lightening his tone. "But she's American and Texan, so sometimes I can't really tell the difference. She adopted the pig off of.. Marian, I think. Somehow or another we got pigs on the island and they bred. As animals do."
Looking out into the darkness, Benny was silent for a moment. She'd been trying to follow Ianto's lead, make small talk, keep it light, but she was afraid it was a losing battle. Turning back toward her host, she fixed him with a look that she hoped didn't reveal just how shattered she was feeling at the moment. "How do you do it, Ianto. You, Tosh, this Jane Bennet woman. How are you all living with this...this insanity?"
With that on his mind, it was hard not to remember the reason for this conversation, the full scope of things, of their lives here. He looked at Bernice, didn't shy away from her gaze, but he wasn't sure she'd find much in his.
"We lived with insanity before," he said, shoulders barely lifting in a shrug. "So did you, travelling with the Doctor. It's.. just what you do. To survive."
She closed her eyes again before throwing back the remaining contents of her glass. "Please tell me you have enough booze to get me truly and magnificently pissed."
Ianto sighed and stared down at his own cup, thinking. "It matters now," he said after a moment. "That's the only thing I can figure. Does this change the world? No. Does it save the world? Definitely not. But here is something. It matters for now. It's a terribly, terribly selfish and narrow point of view but it's all we've got."
Benny tried to work out how to explain why this latest twist had affected her so badly. How much of her past to share with him. She realized pretty quickly that there wasn't much point in holding back now. "The thing is, it's not about changing the world. You think your point of view is selfish? I think maybe you're giving me too much credit. My fears are completely selfish, Ianto. This island is going to steal my memories from me. Everything I do, everything I learn and experience while I'm here. All gone. And that makes me so bloody angry."
"I can't help you with that. That's.." Hell, why did he feel embarrassed now? Because two years after the fact, two years separated from the organization, he could vilify Torchwood as well as anyone. "That's what I signed up for. With Torchwood."
She'd had her suspicions when Toshiko first mentioned the name Torchwood and she had a nasty feeling those suspicions were about to be born out. Bloody secret organizations. Did no one in the universe ever learn? Sadly, Benny already knew the answer to that question. "What is this Torchwood really?"
"Torchwood is a secret organization, or was, like UNIT. Only outside the government, beyond the United Nations. Our duty was to protect the United Kingdom from alien forces, anyone who wished to do us harm, by any means necessary." He paused and smiled wryly. "The Doctor was enemy number one, naturally. We also picked up any alien tech that happened to come to Earth. But Torchwood had a very strict policy on... retirement. On anything that involved interaction with the public, actually. They developed these pills called Retcon. ...If you left the organization, within 24 hours you would be secretly dosed with Retcon, wiping out all your memories of.. however long you worked there. Everything. Gone."
"They don't mention it until you've gotten into it and... well, then it's too late. You don't think about it. You think it'll never happen, not to you, you'll never leave. And then sometimes..." Sometimes the nightmares plagued you when you woke. Sometimes the truth makes you a prisoner. Sometimes you shut your eyes and all you can see is blood, flames and metal. "And sometimes you want to forget."
"I wonder if that makes all of this easier for you. The fact that we're all going to lose our memories of this life, I mean. You've had so long to get used to the idea that it could be a possibility." She sighed and shot the rest of her drink. She'd be damned if she wasn't going to get well and truly pissed. "I'm not trying to be cruel, honestly. I'm sorry if it sounds that way."
"It does and it doesn't," he said with a small shrug. "On the one hand, yes, I'm sort of used to it, but..." Ianto let out a frustrated sigh. "My life here is so much better than my life back home." He lifted his gaze to her, but all he could do was idly shake his head as he looked for words to explain. "I never want to leave. Ever. I have so much more here than I could ever have back home, and... I know it won't make any difference to me when I get home, but the thought of leaving... it's terrible. But I've learned what it's like to be in a situation that you can't change. I've learned that being angry doesn't always help. Sometimes you have to go along, lie to yourself if necessary, just to keep living and enjoy the life you're living. It's not an easy thing to swallow but... well, it's the only answer I've come to ( ... )
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