Mar 26, 2006 12:13
Saw V for Vendetta friday with samara and sonia. FANTASTIC. Samara ordered the world's smallest piece of baklava. Don't go to sahara grill people. I love drivinggggggg <3
The SUP UB conference went so well. I was so proud to be a part of it. I want to write more, but I don't even know how to explain it. So many different clubs representing everything they slave at and all of that food and all of the speakers. Mike Niman talking about media activism. Learning about the kids who went to New Orleans on Spring Break to do Katrina Relief. Jenn and my presentation on vegetarianism that sparked a lot of interest from the meat eaters in the room. I loved it. And then Ben came with me to Colin's and we met up with Jenn and Joe and chilled with a bunch of people at Colin's house and got tipsy and giggly and it was just such a chilled out night. Went home and had my standard late night drunk phone conversation, which I will now proceed to be shady and say no more about. Got up at 11:40! So late for me :-D. And then contemplated cleaning. I have an overwhelming amount to do and am supppper in denial that I still don't know where I'm living this summer, which is uber UBER bad.
Okay I'm gona do some crunches clean get coffee go to work study study study make dinner plans do laundry work work eat dinner organize vegetarian club ongoings work more drink more caffeine bitch about things to people on aim sleep.