Go on, i know you have at least one answer :P

Aug 21, 2009 07:13

So i'm trying to fall asleep last night, and i'm kind of stuck in that weird place between asleep and awake, and all i can think about is how awesome it would be to have a jetpack. Then i started thinking; What could be made more awesome with rockets? Bonus points if your answer makes me giggle.

Iggy's been with us for a week now, and seems to be settling in great, even if he does bite my toes when he gets energetic. Sometimes i think he's just doing it case he knows he'll get away with it. Damn his soulful brown puppy eyes!

I could procede to bore you all with the normal "Waaaah, i have to go to a therapist and take pills and not get to freaked otherwise i have panic attacks and OH MY, BUT MY LIFE IS HAAAAAARD" crap that seems to be in most of my lj posts, but i cba.


Shit. Kinda fucked that up already, huh? Ah sod it, i've already typed it.

Going up to Belfast today, probably gonna end up crashing at Pearses. It's weird, I always imagined i'd have moved out by now and that he'd have been crashing at mine. Kinda makes me feel like i failed some unknown test.

On the bright side though, i don't have to pay rent.

Peace y'all.
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