Aug 27, 2012 00:43
Well~ looks who's dusting off the old LJ.....again.... I swear I'll get good at using this one day ^^; So---I'm pretty sure I might just be a dumbass and get GazettE's new cd...mind you I might as well get the reg addition as I'm broke and Ruki's already getting the limited so I know I can steal the cool stuff like dvds and it would come out to like 50$ which isn't THAT bad XD I figure fuck it---yolo lolz....gazerock is now yolo shit hahah j/k! I should be going to bed...but instead of that I've become horriably distracted by a certain Tatsurou like creature....I still say Taste of Choas was one of the funnest concerts ever despite their being drama and just plain not being at a good time in my life <3 I miss that day~~~ maybe sometime again I'll have lots of fun like that! Cheeto is doing good~~ she's sleeping so I should probably capitalize on that and get my butt to bed after I pick up her toys lol messy cats is messy ^^;
life update cat 50$ cds when i'm broke