Summer is the name of the girl, and 500 is the length of time a love-struck young man's world revolved around her. Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are the two hollywood big names that gave this little movie big expectations.
The events were shown in an "un"chronological order, which occurred to me that if it would be no different from "She's not that in to you". Just the same, the movie was fun to watch. Gordon-Levitt displays a great deal of charm by investing Tom with the enthusiasm and wounded nature of a puppy dog. Deschanel plays the familiar part of mildly eccentric dream girl, but she inhabits the role with an introvert's secrecy. Tom may view Summer as an angel of salvation, but Deschanel plays her like the flesh-and-blood mortal she is. I liked the way they interchanged the typical gender roles. Boy as the lovesick weakling and girl as the calm, life goes on kind a gal. She calls it quits. He falls to pieces. Isn't that usually the other way around. Hahaha! Rachel (tom's younger sister) is adorable but unrelialistic. Who, in their right mind, goes to their little sister (still in grade school) for relationship advice. Yeah, right! Do you know of a grown man who does that????
The Hall and Oates dance scene was entertaining. It interprets completely what most guys (and gals) feel after "the first night". :)
It could have been better, the ending was kind of lame. But still entertaining to watch.