...I know I'm about a year late to the party on this one, but are Teh Australian and I the only people in the world who didn't like Heath Ledger's Joker? I mean, good acting and all, just...not how I picture him. Aaron Eckhart, on the other hand, was exceptional. I should probably have rewatched Batman Begins first, though.
I really think Facebook should reword their "X is no longer listed as being in a relationship" notification to something like "X has made their relationship status private". Because, y'know, there's a bit of a difference between no longer being in a relationship, and no longer displaying whether or not you're in a relationship. No?
I've somehow managed to chip a bit off one of my teeth; the back ones, that have been giving me some grief recently. On the one hand, that'll learn 'em to be feisty!, but on the other hand, there's the "Incoming - serious toothache!" thing. Maybe I should see a dentist.
Irritatingly, we're getting into Dublin late Friday night, while
rana_lindor's charming young girlfriend's birthday drinks are going on in Cork. Dagnamit.