An excellent weekend all 'round; full of fire and drumming and hippies and costumes and all the sort of good things a Hallowe'en festival should be. Bopped up and down as it was
Samhuinn at the weekend (unless you're in Upside-Down land, in which case I understand it was Beltane...which seems odd to me, but no more so than Christmas on the beach, I suppose) and spent considerably longer than expected at Claire-The-Waitress's Hallowe'en party afterwards, which was a laugh.
And then last night, I went to see a
Te Pooka performance in honour of Dia de los Muertos/All Saint's Day. It seems somewhat appropriate that I was killed onstage twice; once while playing a cow (as part of a food chain demonstration) and the second time while playing an Irish prostitute (during the story of Burke & Hare). I'm trying not to take either the choice of roles or being chosen as a sacrificial victim (twice) personally...still though, it was an amazing night, and if you get a chance, you should go check out one of their performances.
The Imaginary Australian one is currently awaiting news of his work visa. Everyone - myself included - has expressed surprise at the fact that he's already getting it sorted, considering it's still another thirteen whole days until he's over. Maybe he is actually changing after all. ;)