Jul 25, 2009 22:10
The Garb Accountability Thread
Completed garb:
solid blue Italian ren
Indian garb & coat
Red & green cotte hardie
brown Italian Ren
Byzantine robe COMPLETED JUNE 3RD
Viking dress (needs under tunic)
Sari (will be buying)
cloak (hemmed) COMPLETED JUNE 28th
Green T-dress COMPLETED JULY 5th
pink T-dress COMPLETED JULY 7th
Purple T-dress COMPLETED JULY 8th
In progress garb:
blue & yellow Italian Ren (finishing- estimated 1 hr or so remaining)
Red & green T-Tunic (finishing)
Hand Sewing Remaining:
belly dance outfit (UPDATE 6/28- hem)
Purple Viking Apron (UPDATE 6/28 hem sew straps and attach, under tunic)
To make:
Blue T-dress(UPDATE 6/28 fabric pre-washed, and pinned)
2 more sets Indian garb (colors to match coat)???
2 under tunics
Bog dress(es?)
???= indicates project may be either put on hold or not done