Apr 19, 2005 09:30
This is not very good timing to be sick. In fact, it is just plain bad. However, what can you do except try to sleep and get better so that you can try to save some of your semester from turning into a transcript of little "i's." I've been watching so much daytime t.v. You think when you're really busy all you want to do in life is eat popsicles and watch terrible television. Stop wishing this! It isn't the life. Oh no. Being busy is much prefered. I tried walking from one end of my house to the other and I had to stop and rest for a sec. (Believe me, I do not have a big house.) These weird pills they put me on have been causing me to be very random, so if this entry is just a stream of random thoughts I am sorry. At least popsicles are delicious. (Or do they just seem delicious because they are the only thing that makes me feel less terrible?) I'll probably be back to school tomorrow in an attempt to come back to reality. Don't try to share any of my drinks. I'm not being selfish, just looking out for your well being. O.k. it is time to go back to the couch. I think Regis is on. I do a really good Regis impression. It's hot. I'll do it for you when my voice returns, it takes a lot of of me even when I'm healthy. (He's a really energetic guy!) Until later peaches, think some get better thoughts if you can. The mono won't go away otherwise.
p.s. favorite peach: i miss you!!