
Apr 29, 2012 11:27

As a course requirement of mine at University, I have to complete 12 hours of volunteering with people of disabilities. My partner and I have chosen to work at a Special School and will be starting on Tuesday. I am looking forward to it so much since I had a chance to tour the school last week during induction. I have never done volunteering work before and am so glad that I have the opportunity now, especially because I love children! They are so innocent and pure. Yes, they may be a bit loud and annoying sometimes, but how can you hate on children? There are a few cases where a people I know have said they hated children, which is horrible to hear. People have to understand that they are only young and have yet to understand certain concepts, so we all have to be patient. But, I do have to agree when some say that a lot of children can be very spoilt and rude these days. I blame their parents for it. As parents, they should be responsible for their children's manners and etiquette. I could go on and on about this topic but I won't because I know it will bore most of you. So, I'll save that for another time.....

work, volunteer

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