I don't know about you all, but I have had the hardest time concentrating for the last few months. Funny, that. ;-)
In case you need some distraction, I cannot recommend strongly enough
Summer in Orcus, which is a simply lovely portal fantasy in which birds engage in Regency banter and you will never think well of "house-hunters" again. It's on the children/YA boundary, but with rich characterizations and sensible psychological underpinnings. Plus Vernon's brilliantly creative world-building. Run out and get it!
And now on to the linkspam:
Courtesy of Linda Holmes at PCCH:
this essay on hiking the Appalachian Trail as a black woman. Just lovely. A thing I found myself repeatedly explaining to hikers who asked about my books and my experience wasn't that I feared them, but that there was no such thing as freedom from vulnerability for me anywhere in this land. That I might be tolerated in trail towns that didn't expect to see a black hiker, but I'd rarely if ever feel at ease.
I know Reddit can be a sty, but every once in a while you find something like
this summary of all of the Trump-Russian issues. Here’s a guide from Wired about US Customs and digital privacy. And
another essay on the same issue. Holy crap this is awesome. I believe this is a church-related group
working to protect immigrants. You’ve probably already seen this link:
Welcome to the America black people have always lived in. This migrant workers’ rights group does good work. *
This is some deep subtweeting:
how to identify the Hunger Games districts by using federal government statistics.
Noted for later reading:
an essay on the political philosophy of Winter Soldier.
This potato-leek soup
looks really tasty. Old-school X-Files folks may find
this Tumblr entertaining. I have to admit that I mostly subscribed to it to see if I was ever going to get recced there (I
was, eventually :D ), but it's also fun seeing both classics from old friends get name-checked, and work from relative newbies I'd never heard of. If I were much into fic these days, I'd be reading (and re-reading) a lot of this!
I've been doing a lot of baking recently. Two successes: a batch of Mexican-chocolate-and-cherry brownies, and a batch of ginger oatmeal cookies. One only moderate success: yet another attempt at macarons. These were both flat and undercooked, although they tasted fine. I'm now 0 for 4 at macarons: I may give them up and try my hand at choux pastry instead...
Happily, the rain appears to have stopped for a bit, so I may be able to get some more running in, which will be healthier than baking.
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
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