We don't have The Toast anymore, but we do have Alexandra Petri's
Compost blog over on WaPo.
I kind of love
this t-shirt. Well,
this sucks. If you are a writer, or a reader of fanfiction, or [insert here any number of other non-mainstream interests], and you log into Google at work, you may find that your search terms follow you more publicly than you would like.
Snopes runs down what that
meta-study about flossing actually means. Basically, it's too hard to do a controlled study of flossing in an ethical way, which is why we don't have a lot of solid studies indicating the value of flossing. The conclusion is not that flossing has no value.
How Big was secretly
a horror movie. Man, I'd forgotten that Elizabeth Perkins actually sleeps with Tom Hanks in that movie. YIKES, creeeeepy.
This is awesome. (Photo.)
If you like some solid reporting on western & environmental issues, High Country News may be your jam.
This overview of the legal/historical background to the protests at Standing Rock is a particularly good example. On the front steps of numerous federal courthouses, I have been asked by reporters whether I think there should be a statute of limitations on treaties. That's a fair question, to which I reply, "Sure, as soon as we put a statute of limitations on the U.S. Constitution." [Ed. note: I think this is a great article, but it doesn't even mention the elephant in the corner, which is Congress' plenary authority over the tribes....]
Huh, I've never made a sourdough starter, but I'm tempted to for this
election cake. I may have to spend some time reading this guy on
California water policy. *
So I signed up to work the election as a county poll-worker, little knowing what I was getting myself into. It's a 15-hour day (with two one-hour breaks, they say), starting at 6 am. The guide book with all the instructions is at least 100 pages long. I foresee a constant mild level of panic, but on the other hand that is preferable to the level of panic I expect if I were to go to work that day and spend all day refreshing CNN and the MetaFilter election thread.
The only real down side is that I don't get off until 9 pm, and I will probably be too tired to go do shots with my sister out of the "shattered glass ceiling" shot glasses I bought for the event. :-)
I was going to find some more links, but I just remembered the World Series is on, and I would like to remember seeing the Cubbies win (if they do), so I'm off. Have a lovely evening, all.
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
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