linkspam needs to read more

May 21, 2015 21:04

So I love living in the future. On Tuesday I learned that Naomi Novik's new book was out, and I hopped online and told my local library they should order it. This morning, I got an email that they had, and it was in, and I downloaded it, and I'm 30% through now. Yay! Also, it's very good.


Getting old is kind of a drag, but at least there is lots of guidance for dealing with back pain. (Not all of these will work for everyone, etc etc.)

Nom, I shall have to make this at some point.

I did not expect to find in this essay about Watership Down such a clear statement of the thesis of Carpetbaggers: There is ... more to being in a position of authority than getting to boss people around; might does not make right; "leadership" is our society's debased shadow of something more than a mere gimmick to make other people do what you want; that neither having all the answers nor having it all together are the requirement for Kingship nor its identifying characteristic; that the King and his energy are not optional, but not necessarily tyrannical; that for all that some are born with talents and inclinations in that direction, the craft of Kingship is always something learned.

... although, reading on, I can see that there is more I could have done there. Ah, well. Live and learn.

Noted for this weekend: I'm going to taste pinots with my oldest friend in the world. Yay!

The #hometovote hashtag on Twitter is really inspiring. If you don't know what that is: it's Irish expatriates traveling home to vote in the referendum on marriage equality. Rock on.

Planet Money posted a guide to determining whether your job will be automated. My job doesn't even show up on the list, although several similar jobs seem safely un-automatable.


I did go see Mad Max: Fury Road the other day, and although my ears are still ringing, it was hella fun.


Job situation: not resolved, but signs are looking better.


I missed reading Wednesday, but:

Just Finished: English Creek by Ivan Doig. So very much a book about a specific place and time. Suffers a bit in comparison with Molly Gloss, although they are doing different things. But so very vivid and well-written and small-towny.

Currently reading: Uprooted by Naomi Novik, as noted above. Fun!

Up next: Maybe Hugh Howey's Silo, or some Flaubert for book club.

And now back to my book, as my laptop battery is dying...

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments; comment here or there.

books, wine, food, carpetbaggers, exercise, work, politics

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