Got a bike?
Don't get too attached to it. Fascinating article
about plant crime. Although it makes sense: people get obsessed with the widest variety of things, and the urge to steal a rare plant comes from the same place as the urge to bring a camera into a movie screening, I suspect.
Also interesting:
this article on cruise ship food.
If you're skeptical of Red Cross,
Direct Relief might be an alternative.
How candy conquered Halloween. Found in the comments at The Toast:
this is a great article about being a mixed-race kid growing up in South Boston. Noted for the Localistas:
50 things to eat in Oakland before you die. Hmm. Nice to see
this fabulous appreciation of Yoon on MetaFilter. Go
yhlee! (Also, I feel bad because I have had Conservation of Shadows for over a year and still haven't finished it.)
Because I get all my links from Metafilter and The Toast nowadays:
The Cult of Connie Britton. Because Tami Taylor, that's why. Although I had no idea there was such a
to-do about her hair. Brown bread in a can! I miss this, although I fear that if I found some now it wouldn't be the same as when I had it as a child, toasted and smeared with cream cheese.
Yes, in fact,
some people do still use pay phones. Shit, these #gamergate guys are just firing randomly into the crowd at this point, aren't they? Do they know they're a joke yet?
Random note w/rt tonight's Sleepy Hollow: Abby Mills is Hard. Core. So awesome. (Sticking her hand down into that? Seriously hardcore.)
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
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