linkspam is overwhelmed

Nov 28, 2012 20:12

... I don't know anyone else who is capable of losing weight over Thanksgiving weekend. (And no, not intentionally.) ::sigh:: (The icon is definitely indicative of my mental state, I'm just saying.)

Anyway, on to the links!

Aaron Bady provides the critical look at Lincoln we've all been waiting for.

Apparently Oliver Stone made a documentary series that was so controversial no free television channel would carry it. The Untold History of the United States is therefore airing on Showtime.

Losing the war on drugs.

Spiegel Online has a long piece on the decline of America, looking at infrastructure, politics, education, and so forth. It's pretty grim. The failing [attempt to fund high-speed rail across the country] coincides with the image, already a worldwide cliché, of the United States as a country that doesn't understand the signs of the times and has almost willfully -- flying in the face of all scientific knowledge -- chosen to be backward.

The New Yorker has an explanation of the recent vote in the Church of England denying women the bishopric.


KQED reports on the threat global warming poses to the archaeological record.

Past Imperfect tells us of the life of Madame Restell, who provided abortions and birth control to New Yorkers in the mid-1800s.

The Coldscape: an article about the importance of the refrigerator. Artificial refrigeration has reconfigured the contents of our plates and the shape of our cities-it has even contributed to the overthrow of governments, as anyone familiar with the rise and fall of United Fruit can attest.

The Guardian reports that a former editor of the OED deleted a whole bunch of words that English adapted from other languages. Paging


In other news, the Encyclopedia of Fantasy is now online.

Alan Sepinwall tells the story of the origin of LOST. I knew they were pulling it all out of their asses!

Jim Henson's unpublished journals and sketches.


More winners of the National Geographic photo contest. So awesome. Warning for implied animal harm--there is no blood, but two of the photos could be disturbing.

This is a really detailed and long article about Munchausen by Internet, which nearly every internet community is familiar with.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments; comment here or there.

internet, photos, policy, animals, movies, history, archaeology, news, politics

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