This is just a heads-up for those of you reading Carpetbaggers and possibly wondering why I haven't updated lately.
I've decided to stop posting the story publicly until I've finished writing it, as the final chapter has a lot of moving parts and I want to make sure I do right by the story.
Additionally, I am now in the process of revising the first four chapters to make sure they are consistent with the end (and fixing some errors and omissions that crept in along the way). I cannot tell you at this point whether there will be major changes in the parts you've already read, but I can promise there will be lots of minor changes.
When the revision is complete and the entire story has been beta'd and edited, I will repost the entire story, in chapters, to my AO3 account.
Thank you for your patience -- and all the wonderful comments so far! I would not have been nearly as inspired to write this story without your support and enthusiasm.
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
comments; comment here or