Wednesday linkspam: gibbons & feminism & politics & RECS!

Aug 19, 2009 11:07

OMG I just saw this clip on CNN in the break room: Rep. Barney Frank is my hero. Way to cut through the crap, dude. Seriously: who in their right mind thinks that expanding health care is equivalent to nazism? Oy. (Of course, given the woman's a Larouche fan, "in their right mind" is possibly over-generous.)

Yesterday was the 89th anniversary of women's suffrage in the U.S.


Baaaaby gibbon! Awwww.

By way of Bitch, a list of recs and links to the up-and-coming new women of hip-hop. Coolness!


For the nuTrek fans, July posted this fantastic snippet with Uhura being fucking awesome. I pretty much guarantee you'll love it.

Most of y'all have seen all these already, but in case you haven't:

Vid Recs!
Speaking of awesome women, all the Trek fans out there should run over here and download and watch Mary Crawford's new vid, Swing, which is an ensemble ST:TOS vid with simply TONS of fantastic Uhura-ness. It's really quite wonderful. (ST:TOS)

SDWolfpup's entirely adorable Obamas in Love vid. (RP... V?)

Dragonchic's basically awesome We Are, a Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles vid of brilliance. (SCC)

Kass' Hurley vid of loveliness: Another Country. Oh, Hurley. Such a decent guy, and so broken. Spoilers through whatever season this is now, I suspect. (LOST)

All the Doctor Who fans out there -- infinitemonkeys, I'm looking at you! -- should run right now and download Laura's Mother Ship, which is a Who vid of JOY, I tell you. Makes me want to dance all night. (DW)

Also from Laura, I Want Candy, which is Laura's version of "vid the things that make fangirls hot". (Multi-fandom)

Another great fun vid is Eunice's Then the Morning Comes, which is a Galaxy Quest vid. (GQ)

charmax's Seven Nation Army is a tour de force of Fighting Evil Robots. (Multi-fandom)

Dean Winchester's life is so hard, people! Stop laughing at him! (SPN, committed by that wacky duo, Destina & Barkley)

The one-stop-shopping post with playlists from all the vidshows at VVC is here. There are plenty of people posting recs; destina has a nice set of recs here.


New work computer will be installed tonight. Which is YAY (I'm so tired of the inevitable pause to meditate while changing applications) although then I shall have to deal with Vista. One of the many fun things about the new system is that we will not be able to clean our browser history anymore (it stays for 90 days).

So: is there a way to pull my DW reading list and LJ flist into Google Reader? elishavah gave me a link last year to read my LJ flist through Google Reader, but it looks like LJ has blocked that; it hasn't worked in a couple of months. I really don't want to add all my LJ friends to Google Reader one at a time... Anyone got any ideas?

Crossposted to both LJ and DW; comment on either site.

feminism, vidding, recs, music, politics

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