Slate discusses Michael Clayton and the reality it portrays of
corporate lawyering. I saw that movie just a few weeks ago, and yeah, the image that stuck with me was the team of junior associates all gathered together in one of their hotel rooms at, like, midnight in a snowstorm, still working on the depositions. Gah. (Well, okay, that and two solid hours of George Clooney being awesome.)
I saw A History of Violence yesterday (yeah, yeah, I'm so behind on my movies, thank goodness for Netflix), and wow, I'm glad I finally got around to that. Excellent acting, cool story revolving about identity and family issues (built or blood?), and how our personal history can never really be left behind. Plus, a stellar cast: Ed Harris, William Hurt, Maria Bello, and of course Viggo Mortensen. Just a really good film, with suspense and violence that isn't gratuitous or glamorized, but is fast and bloody.
Linky for
hossgal: Jon Katz, of Slate,
keeps goats. I'm not entirely sure why, though, other than for fun.
So I've made the leap into a new fandom:
On the Use of Weapons marks my entry into Sarah Connor Chronicles. This is by far the earliest I've ever written fic for a new show, I think. I hope that bodes well for the show's longevity. And now off to cross-post the story announcement.
Happy (rainy) Monday, with apologies to