Unsettling things:
-- Three inches of rain are forecast. Three inches! At one time!
-- Apparently there was a bomb threat next door. Which we only found out about when there was an unholy BANG! and we all ran to the windows to see the Bomb Squad truck out there with the big blue tank they put the "bomb" in before blowing it up. O_o
-- Lunch was a Luna bar and a bag of Cheetos. Bleargh.
-- I suddenly have a bunch of work! What's with that!
-- Julie Benz plays a
missionary in the new Rambo movie. WTF?
The lost possibilities found in Heath Ledger's death.
-- Ninety-minute teleconferences. ::yawn::
-- Stupid racists and misogynists.
Excellent things:
Five Things stories are fun to write, especially when you don't have to develop all the backstory, just the snapshot.
-- John/Mary is surprisingly hot, especially when they're all mature and badass huntery. (People should write more of this sort of thing. I'm just saying.)
kroki_refur celebrates Dean Winchester's birthday.--
morgandawn gives us
Het SPN recs, because she's just that awesome.
The Cure for Anything, by
concernedlily (SPN, gen).
Shelter-verse, an SPN AU I really want more of.
vee_fic's idea that vamp!John and Lenore should team up and fight crime. Isn't that an awesome idea?
ETA: and this
fabulous picspam of leading men of the silver screen, which is a fine, fine, way to end the day. IJS. End edit.