Due to a minor but extremely disruptive personal emergency, the posting date for Round 8 has been moved to December 23rd. I hope this doesn’t cause any insurmountable inconvenience.
So, yes, just a few more days (rather than tomorrow).
Our preferred method of posting is outlined below.
On the date assigned for posting (now December 23), each participating author should:
1. post his/her story on his/her own story/blog site, then
2. post a notice on
cof_remix or
Circle_of_Friends, with a link to the story.
The story post on your site should begin with, “Round 8 of the Circle of Friends Remix is now open for reading at [
cof_remix /
Circle_of_Friends, whichever].”
The post at either (or both) of the Circle of Friends sites should be in the following format.
Title: Story Title (the Clever Subtitle Remix)*
Author: [yourself]
Fandom: Name of fandom
Rating: Rating of story [example: PG (language)]
Disclaimer: Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Television, the WB, and UPN. [Or, if a different fandom, the appropriate disclaimer]
Original story: “Original Story” [with hyperlink] by OriginalAuthor [LJ/DW identity, if possible]
( “Story Title (the Clever Subtitle Remix)” )
[hyperlink back to your own story post]
*For the benefit of anyone less familiar with the remix genre, here are some examples: “Walking After Midnight (the Music of Pain Remix)”, “Tenth Nocturne (the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Remix)”; “Fix (Power Corrupts Remix)”; “Lit Up (Find a Map and Draw a Straight Line Remix)”. These are actual titles at Remix Redux.
Looking forward to seeing the entries!