Mifune . OU . Friend/Caretaker --- Mifune was the first person Ashura met when he found himself in Template without Yasha. Since then, he's been living with the bodyguard and eating most of his food. Ashura wants to find a way to make money himself so that he doesn't have to leave all of the work to Mifune.
Konrad (Klavier Gavin) . TU . Acquaintance --- Konrad was nice to Ashura when he was feeling upset over not being able to find Yasha, after arriving. Konrad's given his word that he'll let Ashura know if he spots Yasha around.
Shiki (Nanaya) . TU . Acquaintance --- Since Mifune couldn't tell Ashura much about Template, Shiki filled the kid in about some things instead. He seems like a good guy.
Abel (Nightroad) . TU . Acquaintance --- He was nice to talk to, and told Ashura that he looked like a Methuselah.. and explained what that was, since the kid had no clue.
Endrance . OU . Acquaintance --- Talked with Ashura and, overall, seemed kind of strange. His name is sort of weird too but Ashura doesn't mind since Endrance has been nice.
Fai . OU . Acquaintance --- He seemed a bit uncomfortable when talking to Ashura but was kind nonetheless. Ashura doesn't know why, but he's decided that it may not be best to ask right away. They were going to look into the wishing flowers together.
If I forgot your kid, just drop me a comment!
last updated on: May 17th, saturday