How many days till July 28th?

May 08, 2009 22:47

Okay first thing first. I watched the finale of dollhouse and to be honest it was like a toned down battlestar but what do you expect from a show that airs on basic cable. They can be gore-y not Battlestar gore, which seemed to bother the guy sitting next to me who kept calling his friend during the commercial saying how believable the whole plot was and that he didn't like the show because there weren't enough real characters on it. Just because they made Dr. Saunders (Amy Acker) a doll named Whiskey that they imprinted with physician skills does not mean that people aren't real. The entire point is that the show is about the underground organization called "The Dollhouse" it's not an X-Files, lets see if we can prove that the dollhouse exists while solving missing-person cases show. If that was the case then I am sure this show would have been canceled after only a few episodes.

Anyway, the actual plot itself I really loved. I think the whole brain vs. the body thing was really interesting. Particularly since the audience how has the idea that Echo and Caroline are in fact two different people. It was kind of like a really big acid trip. Particularly the part where Echo asked Caroline why she had to go back in the wedge. It kind of gave me this whole, "I'm a puppy and my master is on a very long vacation and I am being taken care of by the strange neighbor that visits every couple months" kind of feel.

Also really into Ballard working with the Dollhouse and the entire Whiskey storyline. Dr. Saunders however did seem acutely aware that she was a doll. Little comments she made and movements she had during the series. (From the pilot when Echo tried to touch her and she pushed her hand away to when she to her this last episode about how her best was past and she was ugly now...if she had gone from best doll to ugly eyesore--probably not the right choice of words--then she would know. Though the could have easily given her a really really awful romantic history and a boyfriend that broke up with her because of the scars.

Overall it was a really good ep in my book.

And I found these on the Ravelry group for Dollhouse Spoiler Pics for Episode 13.

This is the ep that won't be airing in the states, because well...Fox sucks and there's the whole dispute with the number of eps the order and how the unaired pilot factors in and such (this does not mean cancellation and the episode will appear on the Dollhouse boxed set to come out July 28th).

Anyway. I want to take a moment and squee! ADELLE IS PACKING HEAT! SHE'S USING A VERY LARGE FIREARM!! DID I NEED ANOTHER REASON TO LOVE THIS WOMAN????????????????????

Anyway. I really hope this series get renewed.

dollhouse, season finales, adelle dewitt, echo

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