Deliverance (21/?)

Feb 03, 2009 23:08

Title: Deliverance
Author: coexist_love 
Rating: MA
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Character: General with Roslin/Adama emphasis
Summary: A normal day on among the fleet is disturbed when an unidentified assailant attempts to assassinate President Roslin.
Disclaimer: Not written for money and if I owned Galactica this would have already happened.
Spoilers: Flight of the Pheonix through Epiphanies
Author’s Note: I thought about this while watching Colonial Day and though my setting is very different to begin with it was given further substance by whyoffry  and maj_zoidberg444  at LiveJournal and a special thanks to my lovely betas (I had so many ) but in particular whyoffry  campmotha  and tina_cat

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20

“Take a seat,” Cain said as the doors to her quarters swished open. Kara stepped into her superior officer’s quarters and took a seat on the couch. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Cain proceeded to undo the buttons on her uniform jacket, turning her head to one side in an attempt to ease the crick that had formed during the day. As she tilted her head from side to side she undid her holster, setting the gun on a table by the door. Making sure the holster was securely in place, her hands moved to her jacket as she slipped it off, pausing for a moment as the crick in her neck acted up again.

“Would you like something to drink Captain?” Cain offered.

“Yes, please, sir.” Kara asked.

Removing her jacket Cain set it on the table next to her gun before she moved to the liquor cabinet to find a bottle of ambrosia She took the bottle and two glasses over to the couch with her. Moving back to the couch she opened the bottle and poured a generous glass for her CAG and herself before leaning back against the couch.

“Is something wrong Captain?” Cain asked, letting her glass rest on the table as she stretched her arms over her head in and obvious stretch. Kara tried to avoid glancing into her commanding officer’s tired eyes as Helena’s chest came into her view. She kept her eyes focused on the drink she had been given and only the drink. “You’ve been acting strange all day.”

“I’m fine, sir,” Kara began as she took another sip of her drink. She didn’t know what the fallout of Bill not ordering the assassination would be. She expected the wireless to ring any minute with the word “downfall” at the other end.

“You did a great job today,” Helena said, watching her CAG hunched over on the couch beside her. Helena expertly fiddled with the laces of her combat boots before expertly sliding them off and leaving them on the floor. “Thanks to you, all the Cylons we killed today are dead. I am very proud of you.”

Kara couldn’t help but glance at Helena with a small smile on her lips. “Thank you.” She stated it plainly as if it meant nothing to her. Adama made a mistake in asking her to be Cain’s assassin. She was too attached to her commanding officer already. It was blinding her judgment.

“Don’t thank me,” Helena said as she moved closer to her CAG. She gently took the Kara’s chin and forced the younger woman to face her. “You deserve it.”

Kara felt shivers running down her spine as she realized Cain was invading her personal space. Her brain didn’t register the Admiral’s intentions until the Admiral’s thin lips connected with hers. The kiss only lasted a moment before Kara pulled away, caught off guard by Helena’s bold actions.

“Sir?” Kara asked

“Please,” Cain began as she leaned in to kiss Starbuck again. “Call me Helena.”

Kara pulled away again still feeling uneasy so close to her mark. “Sir, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“You’ve never been with another woman before have you?” Helena said placing a hand on Kara’s thigh.

“No,” Kara admitted as she silently pulled away from Helena’s touch. “I haven’t.”

“It’s not that much different. Its just more…hands on, than what you’re used to,” Helena stated.


“Helena,” she corrected as she allowed her hand to slither to the back of Kara’s neck. “You don’t have to do anything Kara. Let me frak you, relieve some this tension.”

“Sir, I still don’t think we should do this,” Kara said. “If the crew finds out…”

“The crew is too afraid of me to find out about anything,” Cain said. “They’ve seen how liberal I am with the use my firearm.”

“Still, sir…”

Helena placed a finger to Kara’s lips, silencing her from saying another word. “Shhhh,” she cooed. “Don’t say anything more.”
Bill had taken the first opportunity to go back to Life Station and sit with Laura, and within minutes he was asleep again, seeking her out. He entered Colonial One to find her sitting in one of the oversized chairs next to the window. He calmly approached her and she looked up at him and smiled.

“Bill,” she stated. “Please take a seat.”

”You seem a little better,” Adama said, trying to comfort the dying woman before him, To be completely honest she looked more gaunt than the last time he’d seen her. Bill could clearly see the bones on her hands and wrists as well as evidence of weight loss in her face. Her eyes seemed more distant than usual, like she was fixated on something.

“What happened with Admiral Cain,” Laura asked.

“I couldn’t kill her.”

“What do you mean?”

“I meant that she is the reason that the Pegasus survived,” Adama said. “If she could pull one ship through like that then who are we to question her?”

Laura took a deep breath wondering what else to say, “She sounds like an interesting persona. I just wish I could get the chance to meet her.”

”Wish?” Bill questioned. “I’m not assassinating her. She’ll be in command of the fleet when you wake up.”

“No,” Laura clarified . “I don’t think I am going to be able to wake up.”

“No! You have to wake up Laura.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can.”

“Laura?” he said moving from his chair and kneeled in front of her. Taking one hand in his and letting his other hand rest on her pale cheek “What’s wrong?”

“It’s getting harder to stay here,” Laura muttered, a tear forming in her eye.

“You can’t give up Laura. I love you,” he whispered.

“You can’t love me. I’m dying.”

“So what? Does that mean that I’m not supposed to love you?”

“Don’t waste your time on me.” She felt tears building up in her eyes. “You don’t deserve to have your heart broken this way.”

“I don’t care,” Bill insisted. His thumb traced her cheek bone, the intimate gesture holding her gaze. “I want to spend whatever time you have left with you. I don’t care what happens to me, or if my heart breaks several times over. I want to be with you.”

Laura drew in a breath, tears still in her eyes. “Bill, it’s not going to be pretty. I saw my mother die from breast cancer, so I know. I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You aren’t asking, I’m offering.”

Laura nodded, “Alright.” She stood up, all the grace gone from her body. Bill took her arm, steadying her as she stood up. Laura looked away, embarrassed that she needed help for the littlest task. She curled her lips just before she felt Bill’s hand on her chin. He forced her to look into his eyes as he planted a gentle kiss on her lips. He lingered for a moment before pulling away to be rewarded with a giant smile. One that he hadn’t seen in a while.

As he started helping her to her bed he heard her draw in a ragged breath and he wished that he could take away her pain. He silently prayed to the Gods, asking them to grant her a few moments of relief. As much as Bill hated to admit it, Baltar was right, Laura was in pain. How could he ask her to come back to that? Helping her sit on the bed she looked up at him for a moment, her eyes pleading for him to stay. He sat down next to her and leaned in to kiss her again. He was taken aback when she responded to the kiss.

Pulling away he looked into her eyes for a moment. “Laura.”

“Please,” Laura stated. “I need this.”

“You’re dying. Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more certain.”
Her hands, familiar with the Pegasus uniform, began unbuttoning the younger woman’s jacket without breaking the kiss. Her lips were hungry, pecking and sucking on Kara’s as if she were the fountain of youth, able to cure all physical disease and ailments. Kara aided her as her hands brushed the fabric over her CAG’s shoulders and she pushed the heavy material down the pilots arms. Kara lifted her hands, allowing Helena to remove her jacket.

One of Helena’s hands found the small of Kara’s back, her fingers finding the edge of the younger woman’s tank top. Kara sucked in a breath as Helena’s lips moved to her neck, planting a kiss on her carotid artery.

Breaking the kiss, Helena decided that it was time for her tank tops to be discarded. Grasping the seam of her tanks she pulled them over her head and discarded them with on the floor. Her hands moved back to the younger woman, still in her regulation tank tops. Shaking her head in disapproval she slowly took off the younger woman’s shirts, taking the time to trace the curves of her CAG’s body. Once the tank tops were pulled over Kara’s head and tossed to the floor her hand traced the younger woman’s bra band. Expertly finding the closure she unhooked it.

“Lay on your back,” Cain instructed, a hand on her partner’s shoulder.

Kara did as she was instructed, her bare back making contact with Helena’s mattress. Within an instant Helena was on top of her, her lips hungrily meeting Kara’s as she removed the younger woman’s bra. Kara could feel herself starting to relax a little bit, responding to Helena’s kisses with equal passion. Kara’s hand grasped Helena’s hip as her thumb searched for the waist of Helena’s pants. Feeling the texture of skin against material Kara repositioned her hand as she tried to force it between the fabric of Helena’s panties and the tight skin around her pelvis in hopes of lightly brushing against her opening.

Suddenly Helena’s hand grabbed her wrist. “No,” Cain insisted. “You first.”

Kara surrendered to Helena’s will, letting the older woman examine Kara’s body, watching Kara as if she were a Cylon specimen. The Admiral straddled her hips and ran a finger over the scars on Kara’s stomach. Kara’s breath hitched as her lover traced the delicate skin of her scars. Cain laughed as her thumb graced the waistband of Kara’s trousers. Artfully undoing the buckle she slipped Kara’s pants off and discarded them with the rest of her clothes.

“Is it really that different, Captain?” Helena asked as cupped Kara’s clothed crotch. She teased the younger woman with long and languid strokes, watching as Kara’s body tensed at the sensation.

“No,” Kara breathed.
Bill’s hands undid Laura’s jacket slowly as he planted a series of small kisses on her lips and down her neck. He felt her hands trying to undo the buttons on his uniform, but her once graceful hands had become clumsy. Frustrated by her lack of coordination Laura kept trying until Bill finished unbuttoning her jacket and set it aside. Pulling away he studied her, her eyes filled with tears and frustration as he started undoing his own buttons.

“It’s okay Laura,” Bill comforted as he took off his jacket. “It’s not important.” He rested a hand on her shoulder as he slipped his jacket off and set it aside with hers. His hands then moved to unbutton her blouse, quickly freeing her from the confines of her blouse.

Laura grasped at the bottom of Bill’s tank tops, pulling them over his head one quick motion. Laura smiled momentarily before she felt herself get light-headed and silently wondered when she had last eaten. Catching the moment of weakness Bill helped her lay back against the sheets.

“Frak me.” Laura stated in frustration.

“Maybe that isn’t a good idea. You’re not doing so well.”

“No, Bill, please! I’m just a little dizzy, it will pass.”

“Are you sure?”

Laura nodded, “Please.”

“Okay,” Bill stated. “As long as you’re sure.”

Wordlessly Bill planted a kiss on her lips. Slowly moving down her body to her neck and shoulders. Bill’s hand traced down her torso, setting at her bra-line. Shifting her weight to her elbows she lifted her back off the bed, allowing him to unhook her bra and gently slide it down her arms. Once the garment had been removed she set herself back down on the bed.

His hand brushed against her left breast, finding the cancerous knot almost instantly. Laura’s breath caught her throat as Bill gently prodded the tumor with curiosity. She felt tears spring to her eyes as she remembered that this little tumor was what was pulling her away from him. She silently cursed herself, knowing that if she had just been a little bit more diligent with her breast exams and her health she and Bill could have a future together.

She closed her eyes as Bill’s lips brushed against her tumor. “You’re more than a tumor,” he said to her. “You’re more than this cancer.”

Laura managed a small smile in return as he began to further explore her body, planting sweet kisses on her abdomen and down to her waist. When he encountered her skirt, he unbuckled it pulled it down her legs. Laura bent her legs, in an effort to assist him in removing her skirt.

Reaching for the waist of his pants she attempted to unbutton his fly, but once again her fingers became clumsy and she found herself unable to undo the button. Bill placed his hand over hers and spoke softly, “It’s okay Laura, let me do it.”

She withdrew her hands and let him unbutton and remove his own pants. She shed a tear at the helplessness she felt and wished she could just fall away, but she didn’t want to leave Bill, and she would hold on for him and only him.
Cain quickly slipped Kara’s underwear off and the pilot spread her legs, welcoming the Admiral’s advances. She could feel her need growing as Helena’s circled around her cunt. Kara raised her hips, egging Helena on.

“Oh gods,” Kara gasped as she felt two of Cain’s fingers enter her wet passage and start massaging Kara’s folds.

“You like that?” Cain asked.

Kara nodded, unable to manage speech. Helena was playing her like a harp, feeling around inside her, locating all the right spots. She yielded to Helena’s experience, feeling whatever apprehension she had once had dissipate. Her breaths become longer and ragged as she felt Cain’s wet tongue penetrate her opening.

Her fingers found Helena’s hair and she wound her fingers though the light brown locks. She used her grip as leverage and raised her hips to meet Helena’s movements. Helena responded with feverishly quick movements, adding another finger to her effort and attempting to drive them Kara until they brushed her clit and she felt the CAG spasm around her.

But before she could hear Kara scream in pleasure she withdrew her tongue, moving back up to Kara’s mouth while she kept her fingers inside. She let Kara taste her own fluid, letting the thick fluid flow from her mouth to Kara’s as the younger woman tongued her greedily. All the while the Admiral kept her fingers moving inside Kara, letting herself back off of Kara’s sensitive area and then hit it again with a mediocre lull in between.

“Please!” Kara begged. “Let me come.”

“Not yet,” Helena answered and her mouth traced a line from Kara’s lips to her nipple and began suckling on them gently before taking the nipple and areola into her mouth. Kara’s back arched in response as her lover bit down on the soft tissue of mammary glands. She felt Helena’s tongue swirl around her nipple, the tip flipping across it several times before she finally quit and moved onto the other breast, giving it as much attention as she’s had the first one.
Bill placed a kiss on Laura’s crown, drawing her closer to him. Laura had fallen asleep, he was sure that their lovemaking had drained her of what little energy she had left but he was content to watch her sleep with her head on his chest, her brown mane sprawled over his. He desperately wanted to stay like this for the rest of their lives. Laura looked so peaceful, he couldn’t bear his last memory of her to be one of her in a hospital bed. He couldn’t bear watch her die like that.

“Bill,” he heard her voice. She lifted her head to look up him and smiled. “Bill, wake up.”

“Laura, no. I don’t want to leave you here.”

“You need to wake up Bill,” she stated. Bill just continued to stare at her. How could she be telling him to wake up? How could she even think that he would want to leave her? “Bill! Wake up!” she said forcefully.

Suddenly he couldn’t smell her anymore, he couldn’t feel her anymore. It was like she was weightless. He got this odd sensation that he was falling and then the next thing he knew someone was shaking him.

“Bill! Wake up!” shouted Jack Cottle.

“What?” Bill questioned his eyes immediately studying the monitors. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s waking up.”

admiral cain, fanfic, bill adama, fanfiction, battlestar galactica, deliverance, adama/roslin, bsg, laura roslin

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