Deliverance (21/?)

Dec 26, 2006 20:33

Title: Deliverance
Author: coexist_love 
Rating: MA
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Character: General with Roslin/Adama emphasis
Summary: A normal day on among the fleet is disturbed when an unidentified assailant attempts to assassinate President Roslin.
Disclaimer: Not written for money and if I owned Galactica this would have already happened.
Spoilers: Flight of the Pheonix through Epiphanies
Author’s Note: I thought about this while watching Colonial Day and though my setting is very different to begin with it was given further substance by whyoffry  and maj_zoidberg444  at LiveJournal and a special thanks to my lovely betas (I had so many ) but in particular whyoffry  campmotha  and tina_cat

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Chapter 20

“Tens of thousands of Cylons are about to die,” Six stated as she paced back and forth in the cell. “Tens of thousands Gaius! God will not forgive this sin!”

“Do you think God will forgive us?” Gaius directed to Gina who was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him.

“God forgives all,” Gina answered, her head looking downward.

“Don’t listen to her,” Six’s voice echoed. “Do you think she can help you? You think that broken can offer you even a fraction of what I can? I know Gods plan for you. I know how to help you fulfill your destiny.”

“Do you know what I miss most,” Gaius began. Gina looked up at him timidly as he continued speaking. “You’re going to laugh when I tell you this. Sports.”

“Don’t do this,” Six breathed.

“Yeah that’s right. I used to love getting to the pyramid game just before tip off. If I timed it right I could sit down right at the horn, and let the emotion of the crowd flood over me. Waves and waves of it. Like an electric current.”

“That’s beautiful,” Gina stated, not fully understanding the significance of his words.

“But I always had two tickets,” Gaius stated.

“No,” Six breathed. Her voice on the edge of tears.

“One for me.”


“And one for you.”

Gaius’ eyes locked with Gina’s and they held each other’s gaze as Gina slipped her hand into his. Gaius felt Six fall away and his attention was no longer divided between the two copies as Gina took his other hand.

“I’m ready to die,” Gina stated plainly. “Send my soul to god. Please?”

Gaius’ breath caught his throat as he thought of all that time he had spent treating Sharon as an equal. Obviously Gina was not Sharon and did not possess Sharon’s will to live. He hoped that through a human interaction, Gina would come around. Change her mind. But that was becoming less and less likely.
Kara’s heart was about to jump out her chest as she walked down the corridor adjacent to CIC. She was alone. Lee hadn’t returned from the mission. She was sweating profusely as she thought about how she was going to have to kill Cain. Her mind refused to wrap around the reality. That she’d excepted this mission and now she’d have to live with it.

“I wish you were here Lee,” Kara muttered. “But what the hell?”

She walked up the window of CIC and gave her clearance to the guard. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Cain was nursing her back as she doubled over in pain and then masked it as she continued reading whatever report was in her hand.

The doors to the CIC opened and her heart rate increased as all the Pegasus officers looked in her direction. Her hand gently fondled her weapon as she walked into CIC. Cain turned around, her eyes maintaining the maternal look they usually depicted when talking to Kara. Kara stood their stoically as Cain drew in a breath and began to speak.

“I am so very proud of you,” Cain whispered.
“Signal from the flagship sir,” Dee began. “Admiral Cain on the line.”

“Put her through,” Adama ordered.
“Congradulations Commander,” Cain said into the wireless. “Yes she is,” Cain stated.

Starbuck’s heart skipped a beat as Helena handed her the phone. Starbuck studied Cain’s expression. Something was off. It was like she was expecting something to happen.

“This is Starbuck.”

“I’ve been thinking about what we talked about before,” Adama stated. Starbuck’s hand traveling to the handle of her weapon while her eyes took in Cain’s face. “It’s not enough to survive. One has to be worthy of surviving.” Kara was a little confused as to what Adama was trying to say. “That’s all.”

Kara immediately removed her hand from her weapon, “I think that’s very wise, sir. Thank you.”

Handing the phone back to Cain she was rewarded with a smug half smile. She wondered what Cain was thinking, but felt a riptide of relief wash over her to dwell on the thought for very long. When Cain took the phone, Kara turned and waited as Cain continued the conversation.

“Commander, I wonder if my ExO is standing nearby,” Cain asked. “Congradulations Jack....” There was a lull in the conversation and Kara wondered if Fisk was speaking or if Cain was contemplating something. “That’s all.”

Cain hung up the wireless, letting her hand rest on the receiver for a moment before she turned to Kara.

“Captain Thrace,” Cain asked. “Would you mind joining me in my quarters for a drink?”

“No sir, I wouldn’t.”


battlestar galactica, fanfiction, adama/roslin

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