lots to do. .

May 24, 2006 23:30

so i have lots of stuff to do and no motivation to do it.

i have to:
finish my rfi submission
finish the glacurh '07 bid
write a paper for my poli sci class
do my spanish homework
pick up/have my mom bring my luggage up from home
go shopping for stuff for cali

at least i have already checked and i am all set with everything for nacurh. i am so excited!!! a week from right now we will be in san francisco.

but yeah, about all that stuff i have to do. i should probably work on that. now.

omg! so today i got this amazing necklace in the mail from julie! i love it. it is a little blue star on a black cord! it is so cute!

ps. i miss my best friend like *insert usless comparison here because nothing can describe the void* when i get back from nacurh. . best friend time---> check.

on that note. i pretty much miss everyone like woah. :( is it september yet? or in kalengas case--is in january yet? (i love me some ebonics!)
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