a kiss on the cheek
a fight breaks out on the street
sidestep once, twice....move
cinema offerings of french and war
drift past looking glass windows
into a room where fingertips brush
pages of Dali and New Age photography
together sifting through such a fanciful collection
move toward the door, out on the
street there is noise and a
familiar strangeness
thin veils of shadow crisscross our walk uptown
course through old doors
travel lightly along stone staircases
every entrance is locked
except for that one final door
inside is silent, streetlight filters
through glass barriers
we trace the outlines of flesh and bone
and hundreds of years
"I need to hold you close,
but I'm afraid that I'll pull
you through me"
"From the moment I first saw you,
I thought, there is a girl I can
slow dance with for the
rest of my life"
palms pressed together, almost.
fingers wrapped, perfect.
Whispered kissed pressed
alone on our balcony of
empty seats, in the room
where the organ reaches le ciel
our escape was faltered
all doors were locked,
tied together with links of
sewn metal, inside
slipped and walked to the
stage in search
confronted the organ and looked
out upon the ghost crowd
through the backstage door
we met the real world
quiet darkness was broken
by sirens and street lights
a short walk handinhand
sit lofty and warm
talking of travels, places
we will see together
who's going to believe us?
i don't know, but they better