Feb 21, 2004 02:27
finding you in stacks of paper,
bound not only to
ground but ideas of others
mistaken for your own
driving you across town 2:27 pm
on the off//off the on hours
of days that were
august twothousandtwelve
planets will align
i never did check
always taking your word
his ideas became your beliefs funneling
my fascinations
je veux dire vrai
com'on baby, please let me touch you more
let me slide in/out-on/off, once twice multiplied
what is it?
com'on just like before, it's been so long
the way you bit my lips, i should've spit on your face
bareback meets aged tree bark
the ridges dig into spine
com'on no one's here this time
the eerie silence of summer wood
closed eyes do pretend it isn't happening
too easy to let everything go
tears without accompanyment are
hard to notice in filtered, flittered moonlight
two hands repulse an open chest
a polite orchestrated vocal assault fades
and the greatest act of all,
everything is okay
his standing ovation
sometimes i shake when you call