Erie Fun

May 30, 2006 08:32

Alrighty so...

The move went rather smoothly. It was hard to leave home and all (of course) but I'm almost 100% settled. It's been wickedly hot... not so much hot as really humid. David said that's how the whole summer is going to be - constantly humid because of the lake. Mmm...

I'm home alone for the moment - David's parents are in Wilcox and he's at class till 11. He's got all day off though so we're going to run errands (like getting me a job at Plasticos) and just hang out out of the heat lol. Brutus is following me everywhere... poor puppy hehe.

Chester actually has been getting better with the screaming. He starts up when I shut the door and leave but he stops soon after. If he hears me or David near the room he starts up again but he's generally quiet in there. He took the drive really well. Freaked out at first but then I took him out after we were on the turnpike for a while and he just sat on my shoulder in silence, laughing occasionally, falling asleep a lot. Before he had been screaming. Nothing worse than being enclosed with a screaming bird on a 6 hour drive.

I think I'm going to have to get a new cell plan, and with it a new phone, bc TMobile isn't very popular up here and my phone doesn't really work. All my texts are delayed by a lot and it doesn't even get a signal through most of the house. So I might have to get a new phone :( I don't wanna.

Other than that, it's been fairly uneventful. David had all weekend off so we went to the peninsula and saw XMen the other night. Pretty awesome. Megan - my favorite part was the bridge lol. And there definitely should have been more Angel.

You know it's hot when 3 young kittens would rather lie under the porch and sleep all day than get up to be pet.. lol. Oreo, TK421 and Buddy have all either been MIA in the barn or sleeping in or under the porch. Mmm lazy summer days. But not for long... Soon I'll be working allll the time. Fun.

Well I'm gonna get going. Puppy needs to go out. Adios :D
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