Where am I?

Jul 30, 2007 10:38

I don't plan to leave LiveJournal (unless they make me), but I don't see any reason why it has to be an all or nothing thing. I have presences on a number of journaling systems and my own blog, and I use each of them for various things. Here's a roundup of the ones I use the most. Anyone is welcome to friend me on any of them (if friendable, or subscribe to an RSS feed, or whatever).

I have two accounts on JournalFen: codyne was intended to be my LJ backup, but I've only posted there once. Crossposting is too much of a bother, and frankly, I don't really have that much on my LJ that I would care about losing. My fic is all posted on my fic archive, and everything else is yesterday's news. (Throughout my life I've kept journals, on paper before the Internet came around. Every few years, I'd gather all my journal notebooks up and burn them. It's sort of a psychic cleansing.)

My other JournalFen account, shouganai, is the one I actually use -- I keep track of movies/DVDs I've watched there, because my memory is so bad, I'd forget otherwise. They're not really reviews, just brief impressions of the show in question, so I'll remember it. As such, I don't know of how much interest they'd be to anybody, but they're there if you want to check them out!

For books, I've been using my LibraryThing account to post short "reviews" whenever I finish a book. (Eek! I just went to grab the URL of my review page, and there are little "thumbs up" flags on a few of the reviews! People I don't know are reading them! Heh. I never fail to be startled when I find out that people are actually looking at things I have posted publicly on the Internet.)

I'm also codyne on GreatestJournal. I've been using it mostly to keep up with the fandomtossed community, as well as for the occasional LJ blackout party. But lately, as Strikethrough07 news has dwindled, fandomtossed seems to have become more or less a sniping party for bitter ex-LJ users, which is not of interest to me, so I unfriended it.

And I'm codyne on InsaneJournal. Now that I've finally figured out how to make my IJ layout readable, I'm much happier there. (I thought they didn't support "?style=mine", but it turns out they do. I had to switch back to S2 to make it work, but I found an S2 style that allows me to customize the font size, so all is well.) There are interesting communities (or asylums, as they call them) and fun people there (although I'm getting a bit weary of the LJ sniping there, too), and I've got I Can Has Cheezburger, the lolcats site, syndicated there, so my IJ flist is fairly active.

I've also got a Twitter at, yes, codyne. It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be! I Twitter nearly every day, and enjoy following some friends and a few celebs and a couple of random people who followed me first. I'd like having some more people to follow, so if you've got a Twitter, let me know!

And, finally, my main blog is now on my own domain, Cody's blog: Just another day in the middle of nowhere. I post there nearly every day, mostly just random rambling about what I'm doing. I don't expect it to be of that much interest to anybody, really, but I do try to post a picture with every post. And my subject lines are always in haiku (because, otherwise, the subject lines would end up being pointless and uninformative stuff like "Today's ramble").

ETA: One more I forgot! I keep a running journal for my marathon training on blogspot, called Cody's marathon.

And that is where I am these days, and what I'm doing there.
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