Life's been good to me so far.

Oct 22, 2007 14:19

    Things seem to be a bit more optimistic lately; I think that my life has taken a huge turn for the better. I've stopped smoking marijuana; I've stopped drinking alcohol. I'm one-hundred percent sober and I love every bit of it. I kind of regret that I spent most of my youth in a drug induced haze, but when I really think about it, I wouldn't trade those times for the world. I sure as Hell had a lot of fun with a lot of people and it's a shame that my memory cannot recall every day that I spent with those wild bastards. But we've got to let the past go-- so they tell me...

I've been reading the Quran lately. I've found that it's filling a void in my life. It's something that I've needed for a very long time and I feel that it is my calling in life. I didn't pick this book up by accident; it was sent to me for a reason. I feel that the Quran was put upon me as a healer to the peak of my existentialist crisis. It really is helping me.

When I look back on all my past entries they're kind of disgusting. I was quite naive in my youth. Besides my atrocious grammar, the only thing that seemed to matter to me was partying and all the such. I don't mind it though; I guess that's what childhood is for. I sure as Hell had fun with a lot of people during those days. Here comes that bastard nostalgia again.

College isn't so bad; I've found that BCC is actually very easy. I don't really study for any of my classes and I still manage to pull of As. It's nice. Really nice. I except my upper-level classes to be a lot more difficult though. Maybe.

What else can be said? Oh yeah; back to what I was saying about my past entries. When I look back on all the things that I wrote, I see how intellectually immature I was. I had such a pathetic grasp of the Universe. Then I think of that one book that turned me on to literature and ultimately shaped me into the man that I am today. "Mr. Blue" by Edward Bunker is an autobiography of Edward Bunker, the guy who played Mr. Blue in Reservoir Dogs. It's an excellent book, and it's very interesting; I highly suggest that you find a copy if you can. It was that book that ultimate got me interested in reading and turned me on to the classics-- both ancient and modern. Literature has become a huge part of my life over the past two years, and it has helped me develop my character and has helped me to respond to troublesome situations with a calm mind.

I regret that I didn't update this thing a lot more throughout the years; I feel like I've lost a lot of precious memories of daily life. It's kind of sad in a way, but I guess it's the way that life goes.

Enough about me though.

How are you doing?
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