(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 16:15

well well well, everythings been normal lately i guess, i got a fucking 99% on my math exam,95% on hisotry, and 91% on science.im a fuckign genius. holy fuck i own all im so proud of my self.

two words

Malthusian catastrophe


elationships (bitches)

* For alot of people, you'll end up dating the first girl you'll ever have fallen in love with at some point during high school. You'll never have felt so strongly about a person before, you'll worship the ground they walk on, and all the moronic **** people do in movies over women will (rather frighteningly) make perfect sense. There's one other aspect of this kind of relationship that people sometimes lose sight of. It won't last. Won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last. If you were here right now I'd write the words "It won't last" on a broomstick and smash you in the face with it until you looked like raw beef so I could be sure I got my point across. IT WON'T LAST YOU STUPID ARSEHOLES!@#!@

For instance, two people working towards making a marriage work are an example of two people being determined to overcome their problems. Two teenagers working at making a 3 year relationship work are an example of two people being stupid f*cks. 99% of high school romances longer than 1 year aren't going to make it to marriage, yet 100% of the people in these relationships have this idiot idea where they think they're going to be part of the 1%. By all means, enjoy the months, even years that things are going well because it will be a great time in your life, but when the going starts getting really rough, cut your losees. It's only the beginning of a long ride down.

Smoking (Cigarettes)

* Don't, idiot. Every person I know that smokes has wanted to quit and yet almost none have been able to actually do it. Having seriously entertained the notion of smashing an old lady in the face with a Nestea bottle at work today to grab a few drags off her smoke while she was unconscious I can say this from experience and with full resolve. The fact that my jaw is in numbing pain from chewing two packs of gum just today is further testament to this fact.

Those Drugs (Weed and Alcohol)

* Try them both at least once. You won't become a junkie, a homeless person or a libertarian and you won't play with your dad's gun and blow your friend's head off. A well rounded set of experiences is such an integral part to growing up that I honestly believe a 20 year old who devoted all his time to his studies will be just as poorly socially adjusted as the kid who dropped out to smoke weed all day. The key is to be well rounded. Take part in school activities, do your studies and get f*cked up now and again but never neglect any of these to focus solely on the others.

* Know what you're getting into as well. No drug is completely safe and weed or alcohol are no exceptions. Neither are they half as bad as some people make them out to be. Know what you're doing and most importantly, discuss it in another thread you bitches

Your problems

* Quite frankly, aren't sh*t. Your parents don't hate you because nobody "gets" you, getting dumped isn't the end of the world and you aren't depressed, you're hormonally imbalanced. It's called puberty. Right now some mother's child is being shot dead in the culmination of a life lived wrong. Some husband is consoling the woman he worships because she has just been raped and is waiting to go to the hospital to be examined by a forensic specialist. These are the problems adults face, so save the pity party about your god damn trenchcoat. Enjoy the carefree days of being a teenager because one day you'll wish you hadn't felt sorry for yourself when you've got real **** to deal with.

i jsut wanted to clear that up,very good post on pbn,anywayus,yeah,
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