Kurt is on my bad list.

Dec 31, 2004 00:09

Ok here's the sad truth, I was 4 days from posting 3 new stories for you all when my insane brother in law thought it would be a good idea to pack my laptop in the same bag as an open water bottle and then lay said bag on its side. needless to say, the computer was fried. so now I only have the emergency back ups which are about 2 months behind. I am trying to get the necessary parts to repair it as soon as possible, but until they arrive from e-bay, I'm pretty much screwed and he's in the dog house. but all is not rotten in Denmark folks, for sometimes Karma acts immediately. His 13 page story that he was writting for his wife and only existed on that hard drive and no where else, is trapped in an alternate cyber dimension alongside my precious files, so he's also desperate to get the poor thing working again as soon as possible. until said time however...blame him!!!!!!
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