May 20, 2005 09:53
Being at home all day is startign to get to me. I'm so lonely :(, and I feel like I'm going no where. Everyone else always has things to do and I sit here and watch you all grow older. I really should go get a job huh.
The fucking TEAM SLEEP show was last night and i missed it :(. It might have been my only chance too, once Deftones start touring again theres a possibility that Team Sleep will never get back together again. Thats happened with alot of side projects, you know how it is. Bands and artists like them are always busy working on something. Unlike me lol. I was so lonely last night, everyone was either graduating, or at graduation, or partying after graduation. I'mso pathetic hahaha, you're probably all thinking "quit fucking complaining and do something about it then." How come everytime I want to change something it involves waiting?
I hope someone good plays house of blues on my birthday, I can't wait till I'll finally be able to fucking go. As Cities Burn are having their cd release party/show next month in covington....can't fucking wait!! their newer stuff is aweeesoooome, way better then theyre last album, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Normally I'd have it already but since they aren't a very big band its really hard to find some of their stuff online.
TGIF though, If I don't spend time with someone soon I'm going to go nuts.I'll probably get to see her agani sometime this weekend too, which mean I'LL ACTUALLY BE HAPPY AGAIN! These past two days have been horse shit on grass crackers. This band is awesome though...first time I ever checked them out.
I lost the point I started with this. Oh well, have a nice day!