My views on harry potter

Jul 26, 2005 20:35


I have been thinking about all of those ideas about the 6th book. I belive Dumblerdore did not know that Snape was on he who must not be named side. Snape didnt do it for Draco but for himself. He needed to be faithful to his leader. I also thought about Harry or in other words his scar is one of the last Horcuxes. I donot believe this is true. It just dosent go together with the fact that he who must not be named tried to kill Harry. He would destroy the Horcuxe. I also belive Dumblerdore is not coming back to real life but his presence in Harrys life will continue. I am not sure what to believe about who will become headmaster or headmistriss but I do believe Harry will survive to the end.

Okay now the newest movie (Harry Potter) will be in theaters in Nov. the 16 i think that is the right date. My newest magizine says a lot about the new movie and other things. Man Emma Watson is FINE!

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