Jul 06, 2009 10:39
so i get easily stressed i realized. i always thought i had a handle ont hings, but right now i feel scared and frustratrted confused and worried. i dont know where tolive. i dont know if i should go to humboldt, and i dont know who i would live with. I dont thinkiw ant to stay down here, i dont thinki want to go up there, and i strongly want to be uin both places. i have been feeling very goo lately and that has been bc of a combination o f my hfamily and having my firends, But soon these are goint to have to seperate. My freidns are going uip to humboldt. well a good majority of them, and my mother will still be here. My drinking has been undercontrol if not a litttle much but not terribnle yesterday, wa whole bottle o wine, i thinks its bc of stress. Living with Nahal? ditching bev? money? whats rights. I dont want to fight s i feel like it might be best to live alone. is nahal only being so nice bc if circumstance, bc when we werent potentially goignt obe livign together, she was not wantign to hang out, nd now its all about me. I dont know if she actieliek that from shame or if it really was just taking getting use to eahc other again.. I hasve been having so much fun down here. I think it might be healthiest for me to live alone. But money is a factor adn i like people waking friends. i also feel like if i live alone iw illl get left out, but tthat would jest be crumby beghavior and i shouldnt have to deal with that anyway. mag hasnt called me ttoau. Should i try and sleep agai?? i will go fofr a hike