Talking to myself 'cause nobody else will.

Sep 10, 2006 17:34

FOUND CD. Judging from the state in which I found it, apparently I had found it earlier and forgot about it. hooray y/n?

Music-related, lately have heard strange instances of rather geeky songs being played as background music in nonfiction shows. First was the opening bit of Oogie Boogie's Song in a show about what the universe is composed of, the second was the Dark World overworld theme from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in... I dunno, some sort of crime show, I think it was, except I keep thinking it was on the History Channel, which doesn't do crime shows. I think. Anyway.

Getting mildly better at driving the truck. Actually have started driving on the road for short distances and going ~15-20 MPH. yay! My ability to drive the lawnmower seems to be failing, though. I blame the love bugs. They fly right at your fucking face. Are they carnivorous? Or are they like ReDead from LoZ and try to kill you by going "yarr yarr hump hump" until now you dead from perv. MYSTERY. they had nothing to do with me forgetting to hold onto my CD player when starting the lawnmower, resulting in it falling off to the side onto the ground, though. that was pure, shining personal dumbassery that I really should not be admitting to. whups.

Considering most of my entries are "raar! mah anger problems go boom!" or "*geekgeekgeekgeek*" (and most of my comments are "PLEASE EXPLAIN IN SMALL WORDS" or "hurr i m tardery" or apologizing for one of the previous), I sure have a fuck of a lot of sad icons. I tried to do that "explain every something-odd (seventh, tenth, whatever) icon that you possess" meme, but most of them weren't very different from each other so I gave up. Should probably go through and delete a lot of them when I'm feeling less lazy. This may take a while.
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