My gratitudes are getting so boring, I wish I could be grateful for being creative occasionally.
I am grateful I am going home in less than a week. Friday, everyone. Friday I will FINALLY be free of this torture device you call "academics". And I will have a proper summer. This is what proper summers include:
- a swimming pool
- days where you don't wake up until the afternoon, and no one cares!
- bonfires
- mosquito repellent and when that doesn't work, mosquito-be-gone voodoo rituals
- frequent patronage of the cinema
- many, many novels which you didn't have time to read during the year
- camping!
- family
I make myself sick thinking about it. Friday. Friday. That's only four days away. Between Summer and I stands two essays, however. They are very formidable, and they are armed, and they are determined not to let me pass with a good grade.
Oh dear. I fear I am going to write wank just so I can use my sexy "uncalled-for bitching" tag. That's never a good reason for wank.