Feb 26, 2015 21:04
Last night I couldn't sleep more than a couple hours at a time, my teeth hurt so bad. I have a dental appointment, but it's not until April 1st. I thought I could get through til then on Ibuprofen and Orajel, but that wasn't helping. So this afternoon Lyra took me to a walk-in clinic.
Unfortunately I couldn't be more specific than "my whole everything hurts," but they poked around in my mouth and said I need a root canal here, and here, and my wisdom teeth should come out, and here's a prescription for amoxicillin and Tylenol 3 THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION IT IS A RUN OF ANTIBIOTICS AND TEMPORARY PAIN RELIEF please come back. They don't take my insurance (Apple Health Care is great in all aspects except dental), so if I keep the appointment (which is still in, like, 3 weeks but better than 5) the root canal will cost me almost $2000. Balance between lots and lots of money, and potentially waiting longer for a place that takes my insurance. And it's really the American insurance system that made me wait this long to try to take care of it anyway. I loathe the whole thing.
I think the T3 is making me sleepy. It would be lovely if I could stay asleep tonight.