Exploring Django, Part 1

May 13, 2010 15:16

This is a talk I gave last night at the Cleveland Web Standard Meetup, introducing the Python-based web framework Django.  It is a very, very basic talk, meant to introduce the concepts without digging into the code too deeply.

I want to thank Bridget Stewart, David Mead, Brad Colbow, Brad Dielman, Dave, and Joe Fiorini for being good sports when I turned them into my Living Web Application demonstration at the end of the talk.

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Exploring Django, part 1 from Christopher T. Miller on Vimeo.

For part 2, I’m thinking about drafting some of the members of the Cleveland Python meetup to join me, and we’ll have the meeting break into groups and write a simple Django app from scratch.

(Note: Rewatching this, I realize a made a few errors. Oops. Boy, was I tired. I apologize to the Django team if I got anything horribly wrong.)

Originally published at Unquiet Desperation. You can comment here or there.

passing it on, python, coding and hacking, my projects

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