(no subject)

Jan 16, 2005 21:03


1. What public figure's passing affected you most in 2004? yeah not too sure
2. What event would you have most liked to have witnessed first hand? well probably, I really dont know! haha
3. What cartoon would you go live in for a week or a month?hahah Looney Toons
4. What song have you been listening to alot? 1,2 step
5. What are you doing or have done in response to the tsunami?nothing


1. How did you celebrate the ringing in of the New Year? Got wasted with a lot of friends
2. How would you rate 2004 on a scale of 1-10? 7
3. What stands out as the single biggest moment for you? moving out on my own
4. What do you expect will happen in 2005? hopefully get a boyfriend!
5. What is your wish for your family, your town, your nation and the world? safe times and BUSH OUT OF OFFICE


1. Hottest place you've visited? Lived? Palm Desert with the Cifellis
2. Song that gets you hot? Ashanti-Only you
3. Person other than Signifigant Other that gets you hot? hmmm Collin Ferrel
4. Hottest movie scene? I dont really know


1. What's the sexiest name you've ever heard? Seth
2. What's your idea of a romantic evening? hanging out and laughing
3. Where's the most romantic place you know? probably the waterfront
4. What's the most romantic gesture someone's made to you? telling me I am beautiful
5. What was your most romantic gesture? hmm I dont know..... hmm....


1. If you had a choice, would you be circumsized or not? Why or why not? (ladies, pretend to be men or skip this one) I would be circumsized.. it looks better!
2. What elective surgery would you have performed on yourself if expense wasn't an object? lyposuction!3. What body part of yours is perfect just the way it is? BOOBS! lol
4. What was your most serious or involved surgery? my leg
5. Ceserean section or vaginal birth? NONE
6. Epidural or drug free child birth? give me all the drugs you can
7. Which is worse, the anticipation or the recovery? the anticipation

Within the time period of High School:
5 People you wish you were still close to Rian, Erica, Stephanie, Val, Tim
4 Places you used to frequent: WENDYS!
3 Classes you loathed: umm none really.. I liked them all
2 Teachers who made a difference only one… Ms.thompson
1 Moment to relive or erase. hospital
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