1) The RIAA should be disbanded and have their operation given over to proper authorities. Yes, issuing lawsuits is not exactly vigilante justice, but they're pushing it. This story caught my attention.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070513/ap_on_hi_te/music_pirates;_ylt=Ag8sNDJZ5G7rXOModoeAWDvMWM0F This is nothing new, but think about why the RIAA is doing this. By the comments made like this one "It is important to send the message that this is illegal, you can be caught, and there are consequences..." I'm starting to think they are just throwing the US justice system at people as a "Hah, we're bigger than you" strategy. Fucking cockmonglers, the lot of them.
2) Philosophy is a good thing.
3) I have a feeling that if I watch Heroes tonight, it's just going to make me angry. Second to last episode of the season, think there will be any cliffhangers?
4) John Lennon was in A Hard Day's Night with Phil Collins. Phil Collins was in Balto with Kevin Bacon.