OOC: Dream 2.0

Dec 14, 2008 20:01

He stood outside a building in a desert. It was empty, bombed out and filled with sand. The sound of the wind echoed in his ears, and something about the broken walls was melancholy. Lost.

“God’s will.” A voice, firm and assured, spoke from behind him. “Those that were unworthy had to be driven from our holy land.”

He turned, slowly, the wind still mournful, the sands rising and swirling around his feet. In that moment a day passed, the sun sank and the stars blazed bright across the sky. In the moonlight color was washed away, but form was still visible.

The man was taller then Gundam, with long hair, wild, curled, not really tamed by the turban he wore. Most of his face was hidden in shadow, but his eyes glinted, sparkled dangerously. The man smiled, barring his teeth in a grin so dangerous it could have been a threat. It was gleeful and mad.

“What happened to your god?” Gundam asked, fingers tightening on a gun he hadn’t realized he was holding. He felt his heart racing at the sight of the man’s silhouette. Something dark rose within him, and he wanted to scream, but his own voice was calm. “Where is he now? This place is empty. Not even ghosts haunt it. There is nothing holy about it. I see only evil.”

The man laughed. Threw his head back and howled at the stars.

“Poor deluded brat.” He said finally, when the laughter ceased, and was no more then an echo on the empty wind. “You really believed all that crap.”

“…” Gundam raised the gun, a strange calm settling over him as he pulled the trigger. There was no noise, no recoil, but the man was not there in front of him, the bullet passed into the desert night.

A laugh, directly in Gundam’s ear mocked him. But it wasn’t the man, he recognized this voice. It belonged to Raise’s face, and a moment of sheer panic replaced the calm of a moment before. Turning, Gundam swung his fist, only to meet empty air.

prince ali, nightmare, dying is a bad habit, dream, ooc

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