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I haven’t had the best of weeks this week. First, my boss decided on Monday to phase out the ONLY benefit I had at my job. We were allowed to “bank hours” at work. Say I had an especially busy week or a lot of them, and had to work over the maximum allowed time (typically 40 hours, but thats varied vastly in the time I’ve worked here). So what do I do about those extra hours I worked, some jobs do overtime but Tech isn’t all that nice about overtime, so the solution was Comp Time. I take those extra hours and save them up to use when I want to take some time off, like when I go home for Christmas, etc. This makes my barely-above-minimum wage vastly more tolerable, since I really can’t afford to take time off ever at the wages I make. I’ve lodged my complaint and we’ll see how things turn out. It made me so _furious_ that when my supervisor told me I needed to start burning my comp time since it was going away I told him I was taking the rest of the week off, which has helped out profusely in calming me down and keeping me from doing something stupid - like getting in everyone’s face about anything.
If that wasn’t enough I found out that evening (the beginning of registration for me) that the Accounting Dept hadn’t released the registration hold on my account yet, barring me from registering. Needless to say when I finally WAS able to register, I had to reevaluate my class load since I didn’t get into ANY of the classes I had wanted.
And now on top of all that, it looks like my bank has decided to pull money from my account without warning for something I already paid for (albeit not the full payment, but enough to last until this coming Monday when I can pay the rest). This money had already been accounted for towards other more important (in my opinion) bills, like my tuition. My frustration knows no bounds right now…