Character Roster

Jul 05, 2008 10:56

I have two of three characters in from the players. I need the third. [Handoff: Judd]

Here's where we are.

Ex-Agent Now-HCIU Detective Lionel Cranston (Played by Ryan Macklin)

Det. Cranston used to work for the government. Given his powers -- some of which might not be known to the police force he works for -- some interesting questions exist about his background. His background is broad, but focuses most on the technical analysis side of investigations.

Investigative abilities:
Anamorphology: 2, Anthropology: 1, Architecture: 1, Ballistics: 1, Bullshit Detector: 1, Bureaucracy: 1, Cop Talk: 2, Cryptography: 1, Document Analysis: 1, Electronic Surveillance: 1, Energy Residue Analysis: 1, Forensic Anthropology: 1, Forensic Entomology: 1, Forensic Psychology: 2, History: 1, Impersonate: 2, Interrogation: 2, Intimidation: 2, Languages: 1, Law: 1, Natural History: 1, Photography: 1, Streetwise: 1, Trivia: 1

General abilities:
Athletics: 4, Filch: 3, Health: 13, Infiltration: 4, Preparedness: 2, Scuffling: 8, Sense Trouble: 4, Shooting: 8, Stability: 11, Surveillance: 4

Mutant Investigative Abilities:
Translation: 3, Observe Dreams: 3

Mutant General Abilities:
Empathy: 5, Induce Mental Disorder: 5, Induce Fear: 5

Schizophrenia: Incipient.

Senior HCIU Detective Morgan Friel (Played by Paul Tevis)

Sr. Detective Friel has been around for a while, and is basically a "cop's cop" with Aquaman powers. Working on the force for a while now has ground him down a bit. As an investigator, his focus is more on the interpersonal angle.

Investigative abilities:
Bullshit Detector: 2, Bureaucracy: 2, Cop Talk: 2, Data Retrieval: 1, Electronic Surveillance: 2, Evidence Collection: 2, Explosive Devices: 1, Forensic Psychology: 2, Influence Detection: 2, Interrogation: 4, Intimidation: 4, Law: 1, Negotiation: 2, Reassurance: 1, Streetwise: 2

General abilities:
Athletics: 4, Driving: 4, Health: 10, Infiltration: 2, Mechanics: 2, Medic: 2, Preparedness: 2, Scuffling: 9, Sense Trouble: 6, Shooting: 8, Stability: 8, Surveillance: 4

Mutant General Abilities:
Gills: 4, Swimming: 4, Sonar: 4, Sonic Blast: 7, Command Fish: 2

character creation, pc sheets, ooc

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