Our blood bond is unbreakable...

Jan 30, 2009 00:04

The three people you voted on: Here, here and here.
Your character stamping link: Stamped as Karen

Name: Tiffany
Nickname: Tifa
Age: 19

Do you have any siblings? Yes, two of them.
If so, are they older/younger? male/female? Both are younger and female.
If not, would you like to have a sibling or two? N/A

If you had the choice would you prefer being the youngest, the middle, or eldest child? Hmm. I really don't know. The middle child, I guess. I don't think that I'd be ignored / living in my siblings' shadows because, modesty aside, I get good grades and I'm pretty sure I have talents of my own. Being the middle child would be good for me because I'm a walking contradiction. I'm insecure and not very emotional/social, so I'd appreciate having an older sibling to turn to for advice and that occasional boost of confidence. But at the same time I want to be a leader and to take on more responsibilities (not too much though), so having a younger sibling would be nice too.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the eldest child, the responsible one? Speaking as the eldest child, I'd say the increased responsibilities and expectations from parents, relatives and authorities. For instance, I'm expected to help or take care of my siblings (e.g. sometimes I have to help my younger sister with homework, even though I'm busy and it's her own procrastinating that made it impossible to finish her homework on time anyway). Another example: we run a family business, and although nothing has been said about it, I think my dad expects me to take over, even though I have little to no interest in business.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the middle child, the one always stuck in the middle of everything and everyone? Not being recognized enough (unless you do something notable or infamous enough to make you stand out) and constantly being compared to your older siblings, while not being pampered as much as your younger siblings.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the youngest child, the one who's always momma's/daddy's favorite and the one that's always to young to do anything? Being smothered with pampering from parents (and, sometimes, siblings) - which would hinder you from developing independence, (sometimes) your own identity and doing the things that you want. Parents are usually overprotective of the youngest child, but at the same time, parents compare (whether unintentionally or intentionally) them to the older/oldest siblings (e.g. "Look at your brother/sister, (s)he's really intelligent, so grow up to be like him/her, okay?"), so this contradiction must be tough: you want to be your own person, but how can you do so when your parents pamper you too much?

If you could choose a sibling, your preference for them would be what:
Personality-wise: Sociable (not too extroverted, though), fun to be with, funny/dorky, witty, thoughtful, protective (but not too much), caring and understanding, approachable, a good listener and advice-giver
In Physical Appearance: I'm not too particular as to appearance. Oh, but I'd like him/her to be huggable.
Gender-wise: Generally, I prefer sisters so that we can have occasional "girl talk" moments, but when it comes to older siblings, sometimes I think I'd prefer a brother - someone caring and protective but nonetheless fun and dorky. I guess it's because I've never had a brother.
In Age: Somewhat close to my age - 2-5 years older or younger would be okay.

In short they be:
Calm or Energetic: More on calm, because I'm introverted. But I hope he/she can be energetic when I want to have fun with him/her.
Brains or Brawn: Brains
Controlled or Impulsive: Controlled
Determined or Passive: More on determined, but I want him/her to trust me enough to make my own decisions.
Mature or Immature: In between - I want someone mature but dorky (not too immature, though), because sometimes I enjoy doing dorky/wacky things.
Patient or Impatient: Patient
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate
Confident or Modest: In between. I want a sibling whose confidence can inspire me to have faith in myself and who can help me in my moments of indecision/hesitance, but if he/she is too confident, I would be easily overshadowed.
Overprotective or Distant: Protective (as long as he/she doesn't go overboard with the protectiveness!)
A Leader or Follower: In between. I may be indecisive sometimes, but there are also times when I'd like to do things my way or to decide on my own.

You are at a party and this guy/girl starts to hit on you. He's/She's not really bothering you at all and asks you for nothing more than a dance. This sibling of yours sees. What do they do? Maybe just tease me a little about someone being interested in me. He/she would just leave me be and be happy for me, but if the guy turns out to be troublesome, my sibling would intervene (e.g. maybe he/she would coolly confront the guy). But if the guy turns out to be nice and we hit it off well, maybe he/she would make friendly conversation with the guy.

This sibling of yours catches you doing something your parents told you not to do and earlier you had a fight with this sibling. What do you think they'll do now that they've seen you do something you shouldn't have? He/she wouldn't tell my parents (because he/she's mature enough not to resort to tattling), but he/she would tell me not to do it again. And I guess we'd have a brief talk about what I did and about the fight earlier, but in a while we'd probably be back to normal.

This perfect sibling of yours can't be all that perfect themselves, name a few things/traits you would be fine with that would make them imperfect in some way? I can't think of any specific imperfections. But I'd be fine with his/her moments of insecurity/weakness, because we all have those moments, and in those times I'd like to be there for him/her (whether as an older or younger sibling).

Now name some of the things your real sibling(s) or what you think would be the most annoying things/traits about a person's sibling(s) to have to put up with? Being a tattletale, being selfish and vindictive, not respecting my privacy, disturbing me when I'm busy/not in the mood, using my things without my permission
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