I'm back to LJ!

May 10, 2021 16:34

Honestly, i doubt that there's anyone reading this entry, but I'm back to LJ! Reason being is that I just find it so darn hard to find KAT-TUN sources, and I miss fangirling with other hyphens.

So here's my current lineup of what I've been fangirling these days.

1) KAT-TUN (obviously)

2) Jyanino Channel (obviously)

3) Yamada Ryosuke....


5) Nakamura Reia

6) Sushi/Sashimi

7) Morning Musume

8) Nightmare's Hitsugi game channel

- everything else when I'm not studying -

It feels so weird to be using the new LJ but yeah. Right now I'm working as a therapy assistant and studying in healthcare line. And I'm currently aspiring to be a Speech Therapist. So like always, KAT-TUN always saves me in times like this (when i feel like I'm drowning).

Best song to listen to at this kind of time KAT-TUN's Will Be Alright.

p.s. Looking at the entry before this, I didn't manage to go to Johnny's Countdown. Looking at the date, I did go to Johnny's World instead lol. 
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