[Charloft] Die young and heroic, or old and obscure.

Dec 30, 2008 22:37

[locked to the unit and Lyssie]

Now here's a hard question and it all depends on what you call heroic. Flags and parades in your honor? People that care knowing how you died? I know I would rather die for something I believe in then watch the world pass me by. It's why I joined the Army, it's why I stayed with the unit. On the other side of that coin? I'd like to live to be old cranky bastard with my family around me.

I just know one thing. No matter how old I am when I die? I want to be seen as a hero in the eyes of those that matter the most to me. To my daughters Lyssie and Jenny. To my best friend Katie. To my commanding officer and friend Tom. To my girl Michaela. And to my unit. Whether I die out in battle, or when I'm eighty. That's all I'd want to be seen as. Mack the hero, that laid his ass on the line for home and country. One of the brave men that ran out where others wouldn't go, or couldn't and got his job done no matter the risk.

Muse | Mack Gerhardt
Fandom | The Unit
Word Count | 199
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