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Jun 16, 2009 23:36

Feeling like I should post something, but not so into it tonight, so see what comes out..Had 5 days off over the long weekend, did things..can't remember what now though. Worked this last weekend..did a Jessie Mac shift on the Sat which is a private case on the weekend which is double time (yes, thinking about the holiday!)..it was a bit longer than I expected so we'll see how much tax is taken out and if it was worth it! Was so tired Sat night that I sulked at home and Dan went and played boardgames at his friends house. Didn't mind that he was off and about, but didn't like that he didn't sms before midnight..so I went to bed grumpy and he got home at 2am. Had Jane and Luke over for "Green Class" on the Sunday. Showing was the classic "Coming to America". Luke and Jane headed off to China today for a holiday, so I am sure they are having fun.
Monday I got the library at 10am for a book that I had been waiting for that was just returned..read it on Monday as well. Books dont seem to last long on my days off. Mum dropped over for a coffee instead of going to gym..was good to see her as I felt she has been a bit absent. Re-acclimatising I guess to normal life. Waited for Dan to get home and we went to the Docs. An hour later and we got our vaccinations...I insisted in the bottom and yup, its sore. At least I am not trying to lift patients with bilateral sore arms. Just bilateral sore arse cheeks! We then went to Snowgum factory outlet where 2 pairs of shoes, a skirt, a top and cardigan were bought for the trip..feels like its becoming real!
Today at work I got shunted around a bit..didnt care too much. Went to angio and did an endoluminal case of a repair of a Aortic Aneurysm..sat in heavy lead on my sore butt cheeks and played my new fav game Bejewelled Twist! After dinner got piffed into Theatre 1 to finish a Vats case, then cleaned the Theatre, went to Theatre 8 to do a Laproscopic Appendix on an 11 year old..and erm, that was about it. Came home washed a multitude of dirty dishes, made Cauliflower, Leek and Parmasan soup with Baby Spinach mushed in for fun.. Dan unloaded the dishwasher and is currently geekily playing on flight sim, the closest he'll get to lessons until after our trip!
Can I just say:

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