May 25, 2009 21:47
Today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday and the day before was Saturday..Saturday we slept in, did vegetable shopping and I made some Vege soup...went to Jane and Luke's for their 6 month wedding anniversary for dinner. People were coming from 5.30, but the official invite said 7pm, so thats when we went. Dinner was very nice and caught up briefly with everyone. It turns out 8.30pm is the new departing time for a dinner party! Dan and I stayed for a while longer for chats in general (and specific about Men/Women and communication) and borrowed a book to read about communication. Home was about 1am.
Slept in Sunday, then went straight to work.. work wasn't particularly exciting..which was good, came home and fell asleep whilst Dan was reading around 11pm. Had a chat via email to Mum last night..she didnt figure out the msn messanger, so the chat was a bit slow, but I told her about Budgie and she wasn't suprised. Wanted to warn her so she didnt come home to a silent house. Looking forward to picking her up on Thursday :)
Today was another sleep in (I've decided I sleep alot!) up and went to Southland for more diet stuff, had a coffee with Dan and then off to the osteopath. Apparently, I am a bit hard to manipulate so will need another go around. Stopped at Bunnings for some bits and pieces and came away with more than needed but thats okay :) Was going to make Eggplant lasagne, but ran out of time, so the slow cooker will go on in the morning before work...and hopefully a yummy dinner to be had! :) A bit of tv tonight, then read a book for a while in bed.
This week is looking, erm, jam packed with too much. Working 8 hours tomorrow, afternoon shift Wedneday, 10hour day shift Thursday, then out to the Airport for Ma and Manf. PACU course Friday at St.V's till 4pm, Birthday drinks invite Friday (for pizza and drinks..can't eat/drink either at the moment!) and then PACU course Sat. Dan has invited Ben over on Sat to watch football..not sure if I am expected to be there..but hoping to catch up with Ma. Seems Sunday is my only day off until Thurs..erk.. but a loooooong weekend after that!